A Note from Duane

A Note from Duane

We are so blessed here at FBCO to have so many wonderful people who faithfully serve in our Worship Ministry. So many give their time each week to help make our worship experience on Sunday meaningful. I’d just like to say “Thank You” to each person who serves in this ministry.

Now I know from where you are sitting, it looks like we have things covered, but we still need a few more people to step up and be a part of our Worship Ministry. It takes people with all kinds of talents to make our Worship Ministry work. Maybe God wants you to come and serve alongside the others in this ministry. If so, will you answer that call?

If we could get a few more volunteers, it would make a lighter load for those who are already serving, and you would only have to serve once or maybe twice a month. We can teach you to run sound or video.

We are currently looking for additional people to:

Run Sound for either the 8:15 or 10:30 Worship Service – We can teach you how to do this.

Run the slides for the songs and sermon – It’s easy to learn and we will train you.

Musicians for Early Worship – We would love to have an acoustic guitar player, a saxophone, flute trumpet or other band instruments, an additional drummer, and an additional keyboard player.

Singers for Worship Team – We need a few more strong vocalist to be a part of the worship Team for early worship. Most people sing once a month, but some are singing more just because we need a few more. There is a process you have to go through to sing on the Worship Team, just talk to me and I will get you the information you need. You can call me at 573-437-2147, text me at 573-247-5087, or email at worshipldr@msn.com


Singers for our Adult Choir – We really need more people to be a part of our regular choir. We rehearse at 4:30 on Sunday afternoons and sing mostly during the 10:30 service. Many people attend the 8:15 service, then come into the 10:30 service for the music portion of that service to sing with the choir, then leave. All you have to do to be a part of the choir is come to rehearsal on Sunday afternoon, and we will get you set up with music.

Student Ministry Vocal Ensemble – We are looking for a few students grades 6 – 12 to come and be a part of a vocal ensemble. This group will learn music to share in our Sunday Services and eventually help lead worship in our Early Worship Service. Please sign up on the bulletin board outside my office, then I will get in touch with you.


Student Ministry Handbell Ensemble – We need at least 8 students to be a part of this group. Please sign up on the bulletin board outside my office, then I will get in touch with you.


Singing HIS Praises,



Our monthly Keenagers outing is March 14th. This month we will be going to Rigazzi’s on the Hill in St. Louis. We will leave at 9:15 AM. Come join us for a great time of fellowship and some great food. Please sign up on the bulletin board outside Duane’s office.